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Turkish Orders to its Factions in Northern Syria to Decrease Escalation on the Ground

Last month has seen a decline in the intensity of the military escalation of the Turkish army along the frontlines, according to al-Watan.
Turkish Orders to its Factions in Northern Syria to Decrease Escalation on the Ground

Opposition sources said that Ankara had ordered its factions in northern Syria to de-escalate the escalation on the ground. 

Sources close to the Syrian national Army told Al-Watan newspaper that “officers in the Turkish army asked them to abide by the orders issued by the highest authorities in the Turkish government to de-escalate at the contact lines, which separate the Turkish army from the areas where Syrian army units are stationed in areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militias,” according to Al-Watan. 

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The sources pointed out that the last month has seen a decline in the intensity of the military escalation of the Turkish army along the frontlines compared to the period following the Turkish threat to launch a military operation in that area.

Regarding the recent bombardments by Turkish forces and their factions, the sources indicated that they were a response to attacks on Turkish bases and positions belonging to Ankara’s factions by groups affiliated with the SDF. 

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.


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