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Russia Presents Evidence of Chemical Weapons Use by Opposition

Russia says the samples were taken directly and not through a third party
Russia Presents Evidence of Chemical Weapons Use by Opposition

Russia has presented evidence to the U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on the use of chemical weapons by the so called 'Syrian opposition' in Aleppo, Russia's permanent envoy to the U.N. Vitaly Churkin said.


"I have submitted to the U.N. chief the results of samples taken by Russian experts at the site where the shell fell in Khan al-Asal… I want to stress that we have received the samples directly, and not through a third party," the Russia Today news site quoted Churkin as saying to journalists on Tuesday.


He said that the samples were analyzed in a Russian laboratory, officially approved by the Organization for Prohibiting the Chemical Weapons, and that the results proved that on 19 March, 2013, the Syrian opposition launched non-guided shells from Bashaer 3 missiles on Khan al-Asal area, which is controlled by the Syrian army.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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