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November 2019

”Doctor of the Poor” Dies Under Torture

Dr. Osama Amr al-Khalid was arrested by the regime twice for helping protestors and healing people injured during regime bombardments writes Enab Baladi.

Shops Strike in Lattakia

Stores in Lattakia have gone on strike to protest the security patrols and the fines handed out for pricing violations reports Al-Modon.

YPG Bomb Attack Kills 17 People in Ras al-Ayn

A village near Ras al-Ayn was hit with a car bomb attack that killed 17 people, and marks a rise in the use of car bombs writes Zaman al-Wasl.

28,076 Women Killed in Syria Since March 2011

A new report has highlighted the violations committed against women in Syria and the parties involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity reports Jisr.

Inside the “Ghouta Prison”

For those that remained, life in eastern Ghouta has become a daily struggle, with security campaigns and forced conscription reports Alsouria Net

Car Bomb Kills 2 Civilians in Azaz

A car bomb in Azaz has detonated next to a bus terminal, killing two people and injuring three others, with the YPG being suspected of carrying out the attack writes Zaman al-Wasl.