
First Batch of National Army Arrives in Idleb

Forces of the National Army have joined opposition fighters in Idleb to help in the fight against the regime reports Baladi News.
First Batch of National Army Arrives in Idleb

On Sunday, the first batch of fighters from the National Army arrived in  Idleb from the northern and eastern Aleppo countryside—the first batch since the National Army declared its intention to participate in repelling the attacking regime and Russian-backed militia in the northern Hama and the southern Idleb countryside.

Baladi News’s correspondent in the southern Idleb countryside said that a convoy that included armored vehicles and medium machine guns and  that dozens of fighters reached the southern Idleb countryside area and began to coordinate with the the Clear Victory Operations Room to reach the front lines facing the regime forces.

A military source from the northern Aleppo countryside told Baladi News that the National Army was preparing more military batches from among its elite military units and that it would supply them with armored vehicles, artillery and light, medium and heavy machine guns to join their comrades in Idleb.

The source said that in the coming hours they would move all reinforcements towards the southern Idleb countryside and that they were prepared to enter the battle alongside the Clear Victory Operations Room as soon as they arrived.

There have been popular calls for the National Army, which operates in the Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch areas, to take part in the military confrontations in the northern Hama and southern Idleb countryside after regime forces were able to advance, taking advantage of the air cover and pursuing a scorched-earth policy.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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