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September 2018

Real Estate Prices in Syria Fall Seven Percent

Market stagnation over the last six months has caused house prices in Damascus to fall and successive falls are expected in the future writes Damascus Now.

Syrian Air Force Investigates Downing of Russian Plane

A number of senior officials in the Syrian Air Force have formed a commission, at the request of the Russians, to uncover how a Russian plane was shot down writes Zaman Al Wasl.

The Idleb Deal Will Not Be Implemented

With the refusal of the terrorist groups in Idleb to hand over their weapons and withdraw, a military assault on the area looks inevitable writes Al-Watan.

Regime Media Admits to Being Part of the Army

At the second Syrian Media Festival, members of the regime media have admitted faking reports and broadcasts to aid the army’s advance on the ground reports Al-Modon.

More Than 222,000 Civilians Killed in Syria

In its latest report, The Syrian Network for Human rights has said that over 222,000 civilians have died since March 2011, with Assad forces being responsible for almost 90 percent of them.

Israel Vows to Continue Operations in Syria

Despite recently increased tensions with Russia, Israel has said that it will continue to target Iranian military positions in Syria reports Anadolu Agency.

Mikdad: State Control Over Idleb Is Inevitable

As part of the 2nd Syrian Media Festival, Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad and advisor Bouthaina Shaaban reiterated the strong relationship with Russia and their commitment to fight terrorism writes Al-Watan.