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January 2013

How will al-Assad leave?

Assad’s ouster is inevitable, but how will it be achieved? What price will be paid by Syria and the entire region? This is the fundamental question and the crux of the matter. If the intention is to let the Syrian people topple Assad by themselves, this represents a real danger for a variety of reasons.

Syrian national Coalition statement regarding Salamiyeh bomb attacks

It is with deep grief and sorrow; the Coalition received the news of another explosion that killed dozens of people in the city of Salamiyah. This is another heinous crime that has the fingerprints of the Syrian regime, which continues to try to create a rift between the people of one homeland.

Statement from the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces to Syrian people

The regime continues to seek opportunities to delegitimize the revolution and create a rift among Syrians. The regime will try to distract from its murderous onslaught by attempting to demonize the Syrian Revolution and creating divisions amongst the diverse religious and ethnic groups. However, Syrians have insisted on national unity, thwarting the regimes efforts and rejecting any rift or divisions.

Young women get trained to defend Assad’s regime

Female volunteers are joining the so-called the National Defense Forces, which gather together existing popular committees of pro-regime civilian fighters under a new, better-trained and armed hierarchy.

Statement by the National Coalition: General Assembly meeting closing statement

The monthly meeting of the national coalition for the revolutionary forces and the Syrian opposition was held in Istanbul and was attended by more than 60 members. General Salim Idris, Chief of General Staff of free Syrian army, gave detailed presentation of the situation across Syria and answered questions regarding developments on the ground in many areas.

New Police for “Liberated” Areas

Opposition activists, both civilian and paramilitary, adopt noms de guerre, especially when talking over the radio. Government and opposition combatants can hear each other’s radio traffic, and often spend their evenings trading accusations, insults, even jokes and political songs with the other side.

6 Jordanian jihadis killed in Syria within a week

Six Jordanian national have been killed in the Syrian riots within a week, three of whom were killed in the Province of Daraa (South), and the total number of Jordanian fighters who died in Syria is 23 people.

Press Release by SC about the Humanitarian Assistance Response Plan for Syria

The plan* states that it aims at “supporting the Government of Syria’s efforts in providing humanitarian assistance to the affected populations,” and that a “Steering Committee” will be “chaired by the Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Expatriates (or whomever he delegates)” and that “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates is the [Syrian] Government focal point in charge of the supervision of implementation of humanitarian projects” in addition to other administrative and logistical tasks!

Press statement regarding the fighting in Ras al-Ain area

What is happening in the area of Ras al-Ain is a result of the security chaos created by the Syrian regime with its reliance on using violence to respond even to nonviolent protesters and opponents. This has led to the spread of arms and the escalation of armed conflict. This in turn is contributing to the spread of civil fights that is threatening many areas in the country among which Ras al-Ain.

Mayaleh: News on Printing SYP 2,000 Banknotes Baseless

Syria denied media reports that it intended to print SYP 2,000 banknotes, branding them ”part of the conspiracy against Syria which aims to undermine the Syrian economy, spread concerns and discredit the Syrian currency.”

Syria denounces Countries that demand referring Syria to ICC

Syria is frustrated from the persistence of certain countries to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC), Syria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said. It added that Syria shares those countries’ concern over the developments of humanitarian situation in Syria and the human rights violations committed by the armed terrorist groups.

Assad’s forces swept through village, torching and killing: activists

Forces loyal to the president, Bashar Al Assad, swept through a small farming village in central Syria this week, torching houses and shooting and stabbing residents in an attack that killed up to 106 people, including women and children, activists said yesterday.