
Rebel Shelling of Hama Airport Kills 10 Regime Soldiers, Destroys Helicopter

Opposition attack on military airport comes in response to regime air strikes on cities and towns in central Hama province
Rebel Shelling of Hama Airport Kills 10 Regime Soldiers, Destroys Helicopter

At least 10 Syrian army soldiers were killed and a helicopter was destroyed on Sunday when opposition factions shelled Hama’s military airport, according to a rebel statement posted online.

Jaish al-Nasr (Army of Victory), an FSA-linked formation operating in Hama’s northern countryside, issued a statement via Twitter claiming its fighters destroyed a helicopter and killed 10 regime soldiers by targeting the airport with surface-to-surface rockets.

The shelling also caused an ammunition warehouse at the airport to explode.

The attack on the airport comes in response to regime aerial strikes on cities and towns in Hama province, including Murak, Taybat al-Imam, Halfaya, Kafr Zita, Al-Lataminah, Al-Masasinah, Hasraya, Al-Arbaeen, Al-Zakah, and Tel al-Nasiryet.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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