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President Assad Receives Libyan Delegation

President Assad discussed with the Libyan delegation the threats facing both countries and the need for strong relations writes SANA.
President Assad Receives Libyan Delegation

On Monday, President Bashar al-Assad received a Libyan delegation co-chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Abdul-Rahman al-Ahiresh and Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Abdul-Hadi al-Hawaij.

Talks during the meeting dealt with the latest developments in Syria and Libya and the battle waged by the two countries against terrorism and all forms of foreign interventions.

The meeting affirmed that what is taking place in Syria and Libya is the same, and that the war against terrorism isn’t the battle of two countries only, particularly as it will determine the fate of the region in the face of the projects which some states are trying to impose on it through their tools, on top Erdogan’s regime whose policies have become based on using terrorism to achieve its political interests, which is the main factor destabilizing the region as a whole.

The two sides also discussed activating bilateral cooperation in all domains, with the restoration of the diplomatic representation between the two countries as the first step, and the reactivation of relations and ties binding the two brotherly peoples in a way that serves the mutual interests of the two countries and enhances the factors of their steadfastness in facing all of what they are exposed to.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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