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ISIS Child Soldiers Execute Pro-Regime Fighters in Deir-ez-Zor: Video

Islamic State video shows 'Cubs of the Caliphate' involved in execution of five pro-regime fighters in ancient castle of al-Mayadin
ISIS Child Soldiers Execute Pro-Regime Fighters in Deir-ez-Zor: Video

Shocking footage has emerged online showing Islamic State child soldiers, or so-called ‘Cubs of the Caliphate’, executing five pro-regime fighters in the ancient castle of al-Mayadin, east of Deir-ez-Zor.

Al-Souria Net has learned that the footage, taken from a video titled "To the sons of the Jews", was filmed nearly two weeks ago, and that civilians were prohibited from approaching the area being filmed at the time. Local sources said that the bodies of the dead had been mutilated, and efforts to identify the the victims were unsuccessful.

The sources confirmed that this was the second time ISIS has used the castle to conduct executions, noting that the group had also carried out executions against detainees about two months ago in another filmed operation.

Speaking on the recent executions, journalist Ahmed Yasawi told Al-Souria Net: "ISIS tries to send several messages through this video, including that the organization is planning for the future by creating a generation that carries its ideas and works on implementing them," in addition to terrorizing its enemies.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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