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Arab Tribes Give SDF 12 Days to Release al-Khabil

All facilities and members associated with the SDF will be considered "legitimate targets" by the tribes if the deadline is not met, according to Athr Press.
Arab Tribes Give SDF 12 Days to Release al-Khabil

In a recorded statement, the tribes and clans of Deir-ez-Zor have issued an ultimatum to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), giving them a maximum of 12 years to release the detained leaders of the Deir-ez-ZorMilitary Council who are currently held in Hasakeh. The statement contains a strong warning that if the detainees are not released within the specified timeframe, the tribes and clans will declare a state of public alarm against the SDF.

The statement also appeals to the International Coalition to intervene and secure the release of the detained leaders. Additionally, it urges Arab members associated with the SDF to defect from their ranks and join the tribes and clans in their cause.

It is emphasized in the statement that if their demands are not met by the end of the stipulated period, all facilities and members associated with the SDF will become legitimate targets for the tribes and clans.

SDF Arrests Ally, Head of Deir ez-Zor Military Council

Sheikh Nawaf Ragheb al-Bashir, the leader of the Baggara tribe, issued the statement on Monday, calling for a widespread uprising against both the International coalition and the SDF. He calls upon tribes and clans in Deir ez-Zor, Hasakeh, and Raqqa to join in this movement.

The Euphrates area, controlled by the International Coalition and the SDF, remains volatile with daily clashes. These tensions escalated after the arrest of al-Khabil and his associates. Local sources report that tribesmen blocked roads connecting various villages, causing disruption in the region.

In response, members of the Deir ez-Zor Military Council targeted the SDF’s special operations headquarters near Al-Husayn village and the al-Sanour checkpoint in Abu Hamam town.

In the northern countryside, there’s a significant presence of the Deir ez-Zor Military Council members. Notably, commanders like Abdul Salam al-Hanash and Abu Abdullah al-Dairi were arrested during their vacations in Raqqa Governorate and Tabqa city, respectively.

According to sources, Abu Laith Khasham has been appointed as the new leader of the Council in place of Khabil. It’s reported that the detained former leader was mistreated during captivity and had to be hospitalized in Hasakeh. Allegedly, he was coerced by the SDF leadership to make a televised statement announcing the dissolution of the Deir ez-Zor Military Council.

Sheikhs and prominent figures from Arab tribes have travelled to Hasakeh to meet with SDF’s commander-in-chief, Mazloum Abdi.

The situation in SDF-controlled areas in Deir-ez-Zor remains uncertain, with no clear solutions in sight. Tribal sources indicate a likelihood of further escalation.

On a recent Sunday evening, SDF arrested the commander of the Deir-ez-Zor Military Council, Ahmed Khabil, and surrounded other leaders in Hasakeh City. The operation involved imposing a curfew in parts of Hasakah and blocking main roads, leading to the arrest of Khabil.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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