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Syria’s Dog Economy

The breeder and trading of dogs is a growing business in Syria, with some dogs being sold for as much as 3 million Syrian pounds writes Al-Watan.

The Rebuilding of Syria and Conflicting Interests

While Assad has achieved success on the ground, he now faces new battles on the diplomatic stage, which look set to be an insurmountably task writes Anadolu News Agency.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Russia embarrasses President Assad, the United Arab Emirates send financial support to Syria, the US suspends citizenship of ISIS women and Russia accuses the US of blocking aid. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

UAE, Saudi Arabia Dispatch Troops to Syria

The UAE and Saudi Arabia have reportedly sent troops to join the US-led coalition east of the Euphrates, as Turkey prepares to expand military operations writes Yeni Şafak.

Why Did the UAE Deport Dozens of Syrian Families?

Syrian businessmen and their families were expelled on charges of working with Qatar during the Saudi-led blockade, Palestinian-run newspaper reports