

Students Killed by Assad Forces

Assad forces targeted a school in the village of al-Sheikh Idriss, east of Idleb, killing two and wounding five others reports Hurriya Press.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Trump angers residents in the Golan, SDF announces victory over ISIS, a tripartite meeting in Damascus and a high civilian cost reported. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Turkey Continues to Commit Crimes in Afrin

Ever since they attacked the city of Afrin and the surrounding area, the Turkish regime and their mercenaries have tormented and looted from the local population writes SANA.

Who Is Besieging Turkey in Idleb: Russia or America?

As the deescalation agreement that governs Idleb continues to crumble, active parties are exploring a potential assault on the region and the implications that it could have writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Ali Mamlouk Meets Turkish Intelligence

The head of the National Security Bureau, Major General Ali Mamlouk, was secretly transported to Turkey by the Russians on a boat to meet with members of the Turkish intelligence writes Al-Modon.

The Rebuilding of Syria and Conflicting Interests

While Assad has achieved success on the ground, he now faces new battles on the diplomatic stage, which look set to be an insurmountably task writes Anadolu News Agency.

Russian Airstrikes Pound Idleb

Idleb is supposed to governed by a ceasefire deal that was brokered by Russia and Turkey in September of last year reports Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

The Battle for Idleb Could Be Launched Soon

Original plans for an assault were postponed following talks between Russia and Turkey, but smaller skirmishes have continued since then writes Hashtag Syria.

Turkey Reopens Key Border Crossing With Syria

The border was closed with the outbreak of the war and hugely increased the amount of time it took to transport goods from Turkey to Syria writes Anadolu Agency.

UAE Lead Efforts to Rehabilitate the Syrian Regime

The UAE was the first Arab state to reopen its embassy in Damascus, but other Arab and Western states have been more reluctant without a political solution writes Hurriya Press.