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Terrorism in Syria Links to Sweden

Sweden has significantly contributed to acts of terrorism in Syria, by funding terrorist groups or allowing its citizens to travel and join, according to the Syria Times.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Regime bombardments kill children in Syria, repatriation of ISIS families and fighters advances, and protests for the continuation of cross-border aid. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Children Born of ISIS Fathers and Yazidi Mothers Head to Europe

The decision by the Yazidi Spiritual Council to not accept children who were born to fathers of ISIS has forced some women to make a difficult decision to either not return home or give up their children reports Etihad Press.

Staffan De Mistura Resigns From UN Post

The UN Special Envoy to Syria, Staffan de Mistura, has been serving in the post since July 2014, and is the third person to hold the position reports Damas Post.