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Syria’s Solution Rug

The conflict in Syria is a tangled mess of conflicting groups and ideas and the search for a political solution is likely to be long and hard writes Asharq al-Awsat.

American Envoy Meets Syrian Coalition

During his meeting with the National Coalition, James Jeffery reiterated US support for a political solution in Syria reports Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Mikdad: State Control Over Idleb Is Inevitable

As part of the 2nd Syrian Media Festival, Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad and advisor Bouthaina Shaaban reiterated the strong relationship with Russia and their commitment to fight terrorism writes Al-Watan.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Saudi funding, the ending of aid, US airstrikes and condemnation at the UN. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

The Daraa Bargain

Daraa is facing the same fate as Aleppo and Ghouta writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed

The Constitution Debate: Damascus, Open City

Interested parties from all sides are meeting in Geneva to discuss a new Syrian constitution, which the Russians hope will work in their favour writes Al-Modon

Opinion: Airstrikes to Curb Russia

The Western strikes on Syria have shown Russia, Iran and the regime there is no true victory ahead of them, Ammar Dioub writes

What’s Behind Egypt’s Rush to Rebuild Syria?

Both the Assad regime and its foes in the region could be banking on Cairo to facilitate the right conditions for a profitable reconstruction, Enab Baladi writes