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Saudi Arabia

Has the Sultan Learned From the Tsar?

While both Russia and Turkey have intervened militarily in Syria, they have done so in different manners, which could lead to very different outcomes writes Asharq Al-Awsat.

A Season of Diplomatic Pilgrimages to Damascus Approaches

A handshake between Ahmed Aboul Gheit and Walid al-Muallem has led to speculation that some Arab countries are ready to restore relations with Damascus writes Al-Watan.

Anger at the Conversion of Two Women to Islam

The conversion of two Christian women to Islam has sparked anger, with some claiming that this is part of a plan by the regime to Islamize the country.

The Crisis Cell Bombing That Changed the Course of Syria

When an explosion killed four Assad officers, a potential coup and overthrow of the Assad ruling family was prevented and the course of the war was changed forever writes Al-Modon.

Syria — Between Iran and America

As tensions between Iran and the United States increases, Syria is stuck in the middle get pulled apart from both sides writes The Syrian Observer.

Dramatizing the War for Extortion

US President Donald Trump has increased pressure on Iran, and also his allies, saying that they should contribute to the protection provided to their ships writes Al-Watan.

What Is al-Sabhan Doing in Manbij?

Saudi minister Thamer al-Sabhan has visited parts of eastern Syria under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces to form an Arab force with members of the Arab tribes at its core repots Al-Modon.

Trump Is Not a Warmonger

As the US tighten sanction on Iran’s oil trade, talk about a possible confrontation rises and Iran looks to circumnavigate the sanctions writes Al-Watan.