
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Foreign Ministry Suspends SNC Employees

A circulated memorandum has revealed that Saudi Arabia has suspended the work of the employees of the Syrian Negotiations Committee, claiming that no meetings are being held reports Alsouria Net.

Is the Syrian South Trekking Out Again?

Amid political inaction Khalid al-Mahamid has called for the forming of a new political movement, which it is hoped will unite the south and achieve progress towards a political solution writes Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

The Stranded Syrian Trucks

Syrian truck that are trying to get to the Gulf have been stopped at the Jordanian border and denied entry into the country, with no justification given reports Enab Baladi.

Has the Syrian Conflict Become ‘Tied’ to Other Files?

Parties involved in the Syria crisis are making diplomatic efforts to secure political gains, before the Biden administration take control in Washington writes Asharq Al-Awsat.

Biden or Trump. Who is Assad Supporting?

It is not known who Assad is supporting in the US election, but it is believed that he will be taking a keen interest in the results writes Al-Modon.

US, Russia at Odds over Syrian Refugee Conference

Russia and Syria have planned for a conference in Damascus regarding refugees, but the US is insistent that European and Arab countries do not take part writes Asharq Al-Awsat.

Syrian Trucks Enter Saudi Territory

Trucks carrying Syrian fruits, vegetables and clothes have been permitted entry into Saudi Arabia according to the Damascus Chamber of Commerce writes Al-Watan.

What Can Trump Offer Assad?

US officials visited Damascus to discuss the release of hostages, but it is not clear whether there is genuine desire, or if it’s simply an attempt to boost Donald Trump’s election bid writes Al- Araby Al-Jadeed.

Will the UAE Interfere in the Syria-Israel Case?

The recent peace agreement between the UAE and Israel was barely acknowledged by Syria, but not for lack of interest, but rather due to the complicated relationship between the two countries writes Annahar.

Jordan Closes Border Crossing with Syria

In an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus, Jordan has closed the border with Syria for a period of one week writes Al-Watan.

‘Caesar’ Splits the Opposition

A recent report in a Saudi newspaper has divided the opposition and those involved with the regime defector “Caeser” writes Al-Modon.