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The Syrian regime escalates massacres after lavrov’s remarks

The Syrian regime has pre-empted the arrival of the UN envoy to Damascus via Lebanon Mr. Lakhdar Librahimi with terrible massacres covered most of the nation and included more than / 310 / geographical points and locations with aerial bombardment using (Russian Mig fighters), since Mr. Librahimi could not be able to land in Damascus International Airport on Sunday 23/12/2007.

Makdissi most likely in al-Assad regime hands – Source

Both Britain and Washington have denied knowing Makdissi’s whereabouts, whilst rumors about Makdissi’s fate abound in Lebanon. As for the al-Assad regime, it has remained silent, insisting that Makdissi is on “administrative leave”. So what is the fate of Jihad Makdissi? Asharq Al-Awsat has obtained important details regarding Makdissi’s movements over his final days and weeks in Syria prior to his disappearance.

Russia Sends Landing Ships to Syria

A Russian warship carrying a marines unit has left its Black Sea port for Syria amid preparations for a possible evacuation of nationals living and working in the strife-torn country, news reports said Sunday.

Al-Assad duped us into sectarian war – Alawite cleric

An opposition Alawite religious cleric who recently fled to the Turkish town of Antakya revealed that “the Alawite community is living in a state of great fear, after we have become aware that the collapse of the al-Assad regime is imminent, which will place us at the mercy of fierce reprisals from the Sunni majority.”

Halfaya: Blood Sacrificed for Bread

The National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces reminds the international community of its moral and humanitarian obligations, as this new massacre came just before the visit of the international envoy, Lakhdar Brahimi to Damascus, and amidst the talk about new initiatives. The massacre also came after the world’s powers knew of the regime’s use of Scud missiles and their failure to react towards such serious violations by taking any serious actions necessitated by international laws and humanitarian obligations.

The guessing-game of Russian intentions

There is nothing so dangerous as a former superpower unaware of its own diminished role. What the Kremlin of Vladimir Putin today lacks in ideology, it more than makes up for in invidious posturing.

Mazen Darwish: the Journalist of the year

Reporters without Borders honors journalist and activist Mazen Darwish for his tireless engagement for freedom of expression in Syria. Since February, he has been held in a Syrian prison and reportedly tortured.

Putin and Rompuy call for a need for Political Solution in Syria

while Russia’s Putin reiterates Moscows differences with the EU over the situation in Syria, President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, calss for efforts to reach a political solution to the crisis in Syria

Farouk al-Sharaa Emerges From Detention

Bashar will not be pleased with the statements of his “deputy” and he will only smell the stench of betrayal. Indeed, Al-Sharaa said that, ever since Bashar accessed power, the state institutions have become weak and inert. This statement means that Farouk al-Sharaa rejects any personal responsibility for the degradation of the situation in the past decade on the hands of the young president who accessed power amidst promises of an early “Damascus Spring.”

Syrian VP: We are convinced that the clock arms shall not go back

“The various opposition forces – whether armed or civilian, or linked to foreign powers – cannot claim they are the sole legitimate representatives of the Syrian people,” he added, calling for confidence-building measures between the regime and the rebels.

MP killed in a rebel attack

A member of parliament was killed in the explosions that targeted the Ministry of Interior in Damascus Wednesday

Canadian Global Research: Washington’s Death Squads Caught in the Act

Secretary Clinton announced recently that Washington is re-organizing the front of the armed terrorist gangs in Syria, which means according to the Global Research that it will withdrew its support to the Istanbul Council (the Syrian National council), in signals to the American readiness to interfere after the American elections.

The Damage Done by Playing for Time

The damage done by playing for time has extended to areas outside Syria in the last two months. The members of the alliance supporting Assad, from Russia and Iran to Lebanon, have found the opportunity to play off the regional situation; they have taken steps, whose importance varies one country to another.