

I want my husband’s corpse!

The man had spent the bulk of his life in prison, defending freedom of thought and opposing extremism

Opinion: American Terrorism

U.S. policy on Syria has been contradictory from the very beginning of the crisis

Syrian Kurdish parties reach agreement on Geneva II

Talks between the two seemed to have broken down on Friday over who would represent the Syrian Kurdish people at the upcoming UN-brokered peace conference

The regime facilitates ISIS actions in Syria

This story has been written for The Syrian Observer by an activist from Idleb who say that by incorporating Al-Qaeda in Syria, the regime is stoking sectarian tensions, since Hezbollah is already located in Syria, along with the Iraqi Shiite radical movement, Abo Fadl El Abbasi

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The Syrian Observer will not update its content on Wednesday December 25 and Wednesday January 1 in celebration of Christmas and the New Year.  We

A Rebel Killed by Rebels

Aleppo knew Hassan Jazra as a thief but he did not leave his post at the front for a year and a half in the face of regular army attacks

Syria's Open House in Lebanon

Johnny Abo writes for The Syrian Observer about a Syrian salon in Beirut: is it a different opinion of the opposition or a way to find an exit to the regime?

Killing Syrians: The Evil Quartet

The Alexa storm, the crimes of Bashar Assad, the failure of the international community, and the inefficiency and subordination of the opposition are all failing the Syrian people