

Opinion: Morons and Traitors

Hezbollah’s war in Syria is an Iranian war, and a lost cause too

The Myth of Syria’s Recovery

What new developments have led some to conclude the Syrian crisis is on its way to a solution?

Injured Rebels Admitted to Israeli Hospital

Hundreds of insurgents fighting in Syria provided with medical treatment inside Israeli hospitals in the occupied territories, according to sources

Extended Interview With Zahran Alloush

Army of Islam commander speaks with al-Souria Net on Iran’s growing influence inside the regime, plans for the reconstruction phase following Assad’s fall, and accusations about the groups human rights abuses

Mohammed Salman Proposes Political Solution Road Map

Former information minister suggests political solution with a transitional period of two years under UN supervision in accordance with the Geneva I statement

Khoja Demands Safe Zones Before Regime Collapse

The besieging of Damascus to establish ‘safe zones’ will prevent extremist groups from capitalising on a power vacuum in the city if Assad falls, Coalition president says

President Assad Honors Children of Martyrs

Speaking at a military academy to commemorate Syria’s Martyrs Day, President Assad honors martyrs’ children for following in their parent’s footsteps