

A Most Critical Turn in the History of the Syrian Revolution

The US retreat from the Middle East, Russian expansionism in the region, and an increase in Tehran’s influence in Syria and the region has led the pro-Assad camp to dominate the Syrian file as we witness a decline of other influential regional and international players from the scene

A Syrian Settlement With the Omission of Assad’s Fate

Representatives at the Vienna II conference agreed to disregard all points that were scheduled for discussion, even those which remain disputed, in order to settle one specific issue: the elimination of ISIS and other terrorist groups

Fleeing From One Place to the Next

As if the injustices of war were not enough, I suffer from the injustice of the male society in which I live. Women like me have no right to dream or to express their opinions, even if they work as paramedics in field hospitals.

The Assassination of Samir Kuntar: An Embarrassment for Iran, Hezbollah

“Hezbollah finds itself in an awkward position as its militia is unable to launch a wide response against Israel for fear of its response, which may result in more human losses in Hezbollah ranks, especially since a third of its fighters have perished in Syria”

Five Obstacles for the Security Council’s Syria Resolution

The resolution opted for constructive ambiguity and mutual concessions in an attempt to secure a consensus. The result was a final draft outlining the maximum Moscow could get, and the minimum Washington would surrender