

Senate Rebukes Trump Over Syria

The US Senate has been highly critical of the decision to withdraw American forces from Syria, and the latest vote is a blow for the President’s plans reports Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Conscription Campaign Paralyzes Aleppo

For fear of conscription, men in Aleppo are avoiding leaving their homes, while some are paying large sums as bribes to avoid military service writes Alsouria Net.

No Consensus on Syria at Dead Sea Meeting 

Arab foreign ministers discussed the potential return of Syria to the Arab League, but was unable to make progress on the issue reports Al-Watan.

Syrian Traders Complain About the Increasing Dollar

As the US dollar continues its upward trend, traders in Syria are finding it difficult to ensure that their businesses remain profitable reports Al-Iqtissadi.

The United States Has Lost Its Golden Opportunity in Syria

When Syrians took to the streets, demanding the end of the Assad regime, the United States had the opportunity to implement meaningful actions that would create real change, but this has been missed writes The Syrian Observer.

Jordan Pushes for al-Rukban Camp to Be Dismantled

While the quality of life for Syrians in the al-Rukban camp continues to fall, the alternative of leaving for regime held areas fills many with fear writes Alsouria Net.

Jordan Invites Syria to Attend Arab Meeting

Jordan is the latest Arab state that is set to start the process of normalising relations with the Syrian government reports Human Voice.

Polygamy Rates Rise in Syria

The war in Syria has spurred an increase in the number of men taking a second wife, although given the strict laws, it is unclear how they can afford two writes Sputnik.

Kurdish Official: Damascus Must Put Words Into Action

Following talks between the Kurds and Russia, Kurdish leader Elham Ahmad now wants the dialogue to lead to a peaceful political solution writes Asharq al-Awsat.