

Syria’s Investors Booming in Sudan

After fleeing the war in Syria, investors are creating new businesses in Sudan, helping them to create new lives and boost the Sudanese economy writes Zaman Al Wasl.

Confusion Surrounds Manbij

Conflicting reports, claims and counter claims have created a state of uncertainty in Manbij, as the fate of the city hangs in the balance.

What Happened Over the Weekend

The withdrawal of US forces, the resignation of Brett McGurk, a ten year old boy killed in Idleb and Iraqi approval of the US decision. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

The Quantum State of the US Withdrawal

For both pro-regime and pro-opposition commentators, the announced withdrawal by the US is a chance and lost opportunity writes Syrian Snack (independent website)

What the Regime Wants From Eastern Ghouta Women

Eastern Ghouta suffered greatly during the siege and subsequent attack that followed and the women of Ghouta continue to suffer today writes Zaman Al Wasl.

US-Led International Coalition Kills 17

The US-Led International Coalition has been conducting numerous airstrikes on Hajin, which has caused many casualties and huge amounts of damage writes SANA.