

What Happened Over the Weekend in Syria

Aid from Belarus to Syria, U.S. lawmakers question Biden strike, and Fourth Division withdraws from Daraa. Catch up on everything over the weekend.

Opposition President Receives Italian Delegation

The President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, Salem al-Meslet, received a delegation from the Italian Foreign Ministry to discuss the recent developments in Syria, according to the SOC media department.

US Priorities in Syria Don’t Include Iran Withdrawal

The administration of US President Joe Biden has set five priorities in Syria, none of which call for the withdrawal of Iran, in contrast to the previous administration of President Donald Trump, Asharq al-Awsat writes.

U.S. and European Assurances to Negotiations Committee

The opposition Syrian Negotiations Committee announced that it has received U.S. and European assurances that they will continue to apply pressure to the Assad regime until a political solution is reached, Syria TV says.

Coordination Committee Fails to Agree with Coalition

The two largest opposition groups, the National Coordination Committee and the Syrian National Coalition, failed to reach an agreement to solve their differences, according to Orient Net.

What Happened Over the Weekend in Syria

The refugee crisis amplifies at EU-Belarus borders, Opposition warns against normalization with the regime, and the chief spy of Syria in Cairo. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

UN Adopts Resolution on Syria’s Golan

With 144 votes in favor, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in favor of the Syrian identity of the Golan, North Press reports.

UAE Syria Move: Not Unpredicted but Still Untimely

The recent move by the UAE, which sent its top diplomat to Syria to meet the regime’s president Bashar al-Assad, comes in a period of American disinterest for the Syria file.