

Desolation Afflicts Returnees to Raqqa

The residents of Raqqa, who have returned to the city, have been shocked by the amount of destruction and complain about the behaviour of the SDF writes Enab Baladi

Kurdish Federalism: Plans for 3 Regions, 6 Cantons

Ibrahim Hamidi explains the decision by Kurdish figures to divide northern Syria into three regions, including Raqqa after its liberation from ISIS

Kurds Celebrate Newroz in the Syrian Capital

Damascene Kurds celebrate their holiday in the capital with the festivities well attended by Syrian officials, including Jaafari, who made remarks on the occasion

Newroz Celebrations Bring Much Needed Joy for Syrians

The Kurdish celebration of spring, Newroz, banned in Syria for decades, is an occasion for Syrians to share some joy as the brutal war in their country enters its seventh year

Displacement and Demographic Change Create New Realities in Syria

The Syrian regime has used war to displace residents from strategically located cities and townships to northern areas of the country, a calculated policy of demographic change aiming at creating a factual religious and ethnic divide

Opinion: Do We Need a New Revolution?

What is now the solution? It may need time and perhaps another revolution which brings us back to its famous first demands, of freedom, dignity and a Syria free of corruption, oppression, repression, and political prisons, writes Walid Bunni

Schizophrenic, Directionless: Ocalan’s Followers at Belgium Conference

The PYD lives in a state of confusion, a lack of balance and self-reconciliation and a loss of direction. It pretends it is with the Syrian opposition but coordinates with the regime, it pretends to fight liberalism and capitalism but runs to coordinate and ally with them.

Kurdish Youth Dance On

What better way to achieve this than join a music or dance group?