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Syrian Air Defenses Confront New Israeli Aggression

Syrian air defenses have downed a number of hostile projectiles that were fired from Israel and targeted the Tal al Harrah area of Daraa reports The Syria Times.

Israel Strikes Quneitra Military Sites

Israeli airstrikes hit military sites in the Quneitra countryside, killing one soldier and injuring another reports SANA.

Why Do Syrians Celebrate When Israel Bombs Their Land?

Syrians living in opposition held areas have taken to celebrating Israeli strikes against regime targets, just as regime supporters celebrate strikes on civilian areas in Idleb writes Ana Insan.

Does the Regime Need the Idleb Battle?

While the regime pushes forward with its assault on Idleb and the Hama countryside, appetite among young men to go and fight is waning writes Al-Modon.

Astana’s Failure Leading to a Military Solution in Idleb

The 12th round of Astana talks failed to create the required agreements, which Syria and Russia blame of Turkey’s unwillingness to uphold its commitments writes Al-Watan.

James Jeffrey: We Want Full Iranian Withdrawal From Syria

The US Special Representative for Syria, James Jeffrey, has said that Iran’s presence in Syria threaten neighboring countries like Israel and creating an unstable atmosphere writes Asharq al-Awsat.

Trump Is Not a Warmonger

As the US tighten sanction on Iran’s oil trade, talk about a possible confrontation rises and Iran looks to circumnavigate the sanctions writes Al-Watan.