

Russian Military Opened Fire on an Israeli Aircraft

Russia have opened fire on an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle that entered Syrian airspace along the eastern axis of the occupied Golan Heights region reports Al-Marsad.

What Happened Over the Weekend

UN condemnation of Israeli actions in the Syrian Golan, ancient relics saved from ISIS and unexploded ordinance kills two children in Daraa. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

A Practical Guide for NATO Members to Understand Turkey

Turkey is attending a NATO meeting in the UK this week and the issue of northern Syria is expected to be high on the agenda writes Anadolu Agency.

Syrian Government Laments Victims of WMDs

On the occasion of the Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare, Syria highlighted the US and their use of WMDs writes SANA.

Fresh Israeli Airstrikes Hit Syria

Israeli airstrikes have hit a number of targets across the country, causing damage to buildings, injuring some and causing a number of fatalities.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Russian airstrikes hit Idleb, Turkey expels refugees, regime forces deploy on the border, Russia takes control of US airbase and the UN affirms Syrian rights to the Golan Heights. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Sana Interviews Victims of Israeli Attack

SANA has visited the victims of the latest Israeli attack in al-Muwasat University Hospital, which included women, children, and elderly people.