

The Latest Statement Out of Daraa

A group of prominent individuals from Daraa have written a letter to the regime to complain about the behaviour of the security services and the way they treat citizens writes Sham Network.

Astana Guarantors Set Out Their Priorities in Syria

The guarantors of the Astana process have held a video meeting to discuss ongoing issues in Syria and to reaffirm their commitment to the country’s political unity and territorial integrity writes Alsouria Net.

Israel kills Nine More Iran-Backed Fighters

Israel has conducted a number of airstrikes in Syria, targeting and killing Iran-backed groups operating in the east and south of the country writes Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Egyptian MP Welcomes Muallem’s Remarks

Tamer al-Shihawi has thanks Walid al-Muallem for his remarks and highlighted the strong political and historical bonds that Egypt and Syria share reports Sham Times.

What Happened Over the Weekend

The pound falls yet further, pro-Iranian fighters killed, car bomb attack kills eight, a new coronavirus case and Cuba condemns Caesar Act. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

IRGC Advisor Killed

Abu al-Fadhel Serlak, who was operating as an advisor for the IRGC, was killed in southeastern Idleb, although it is not clear how he died writes Syria TV.