

Fear Invades Lattakia

A surprize attack on the Jabal al-Turkman front by opposition forces left tens of fighters wounded and spread fear on the streets of Lattakia reports Al-Modon.

Syria — Between Iran and America

As tensions between Iran and the United States increases, Syria is stuck in the middle get pulled apart from both sides writes The Syrian Observer.

Army Posts Hit by Israel in Monday-Dawn Strikes

A flurry of Israeli airstrikes hit a number of targets across Syria, including scientific research centers, missile defense systems and positions controlled by Hezbollah writes Zaman Al Wasl.

Maher al-Assad Is Angry!

Major General Maher al-Assad, brother of the president, is agitated by the investigations that have targeted some of his closest allies writes Al-Modon.

Moscow and the Game of Tracks

Since its intervention, Moscow’s priorities have shifted and it is now looking to form relationships with the US and Israel writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

President Assad receives Ali Asghar Khaji

Ali Asghar Khaji highlighted the important relationship between Syria and Iran, while updating President Assad on Iran’s nuclear developments reports SANA.

Dramatizing the War for Extortion

US President Donald Trump has increased pressure on Iran, and also his allies, saying that they should contribute to the protection provided to their ships writes Al-Watan.