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The Syrians between the Cup of Tyranny and the Poisons of Terrorism

Between a dictatorship and a less dictatorial tyranny that will last for a while, neither the Arabs’ situation during their spring nor the Iraqis’ situation a decade after Saddam’s fall is revealing that the hefty price that was paid is enough to launch a transitional phase, setting the foundations for the recognition of the rights of the other oppositionist as the only way to ensure stability and end the killing.

President al-Assad: Foreign Interference is Red Line, Unrest in Syria Will Have Domino Effect throughout the Region

President Bashar al-Assad said that foreign interference is a red line, adding that if the unrest in Syria leads to the partitioning of the country or if the terrorist forces take control of Syria, or both of the above, the situation will inevitably first spill over into neighboring countries and then create a domino effect throughout the Middle East and beyond.

Iran Supports Political Solution, Rejects Foreign Intervention in Syria

Advisor to the Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution , Ali Akbar Velayati, stressed on Monday that Syria’s people and government represent a steadfast citadel in face of Zionism, adding that the current events are aimed at weakening the resistance in the region.

Stances on the Syrian Crisis Redraw the Map of the Region

Headlines describing the 24th Arab Summit held in Doha this week reflect profound division over Syria and Qatar’s role in effecting change in the Arab Region. Doha has taken over the presidency of the Arab league for what could be one of the most important years of the transitional period.

Abdullahian Tells al-Arabi: AL Should Not Take Side in Crisis in Syria

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs, Hossein Amir Abdullahian, said after a press conference with AL secretary-general Nabil al-Arabi, that “We believe the AL should play a balanced role in this issue and it should not be a side in the crisis in Syria.”

The Horrors of What Comes After the Image

It is no simple matter either for Moaz al-Khatib to sit at the summit, in front of the revolution’s flag rather than the flag of the Syrian Arab republic, which we have known for decades. Likewise, it is no simple matter that none of the leaders of the delegation left the hall this time.

Syrian Opposition Leader Resigns

Moaz al-Khatib, leader of the Western-based Syrian opposition coalition has resigned, citing frustrations with the body’s inability to advance the fight against President Bashar Assad.

Let Genie out of the Bottle!

The “eternal” alliance and “unbreakable bond” between Israel and the US is but the real threat, because it hasn’t been used for peace in the Middle East, but for wars, killing and blood.

UN to Probe Alleged Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack

US ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, who left Damascus almost a year ago, said that there isn’t enough evidence to support claims of a chemical attack but that the issue was under investigation.

UN to Probe Alleged Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack

US ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, who left Damascus almost a year ago, said that there isn’t enough evidence to support claims of a chemical attack but that the issue was under investigation.

Syrian Coalition establishes a framework for future political solutions

As the Syrian Coalition is keen on elevating the suffering of the Syrian people, the protection of Syria’s national unity, saving Syria from the crimes committed by Assad’s regime, and preventing foreign interference, the committee developed the following framework for any political solution:

Paving a new silk road

Increasing trade between Syria and Iran vastly favors Tehran

Kerry: His View on the Syrian Conflict

The US failure to intervene in Syria has ruined everything that has been achieved—with great difficulty—in the war on extremist ideology and terrorist groups

How will al-Assad leave?

Assad’s ouster is inevitable, but how will it be achieved? What price will be paid by Syria and the entire region? This is the fundamental question and the crux of the matter. If the intention is to let the Syrian people topple Assad by themselves, this represents a real danger for a variety of reasons.

Syria: The Forest and the Trees

Because Syria is a country of paramount importance, the issue there is not just about toppling the regime, while retaining the same inherited and historical structure, including the ideology, of the regime itself. Indeed, we are dealing here with a smaller version of countries like Germany and Japan after the Second World War, in that they were countries whose internal circumstances led them to destabilise their regions and subsequently the world.

Damascus without al-Assad and Cairo’s fears

Iran is a difficult puzzle to resolve. After losing Syria, as well as losing half of its oil revenue as a result of Western sanctions, Tehran may be obliged to agree to a truce and the freezing of its nuclear program. Even if this were to happen, Gulf States are still facing numerous threats, particularly with the al-Maliki government in Iraq explicitly falling under Iran’s sway.