

Why is an ‘Arab Axis’ Necessary?

There is now an absence of an effective Arab axis, capable of countering Iranian ambitions that exploit sectarian divides, along with the Israeli ambition to fragment and burn the region

Opinion: Taking the War on Terror to the Next Level

The Middle East has witnessed a flurry of diplomatic activity in recent months, including visits by various leaders from around the world to the region’s capitals

Major Essam ar-Rayes: We Will Reach Damascus

“We are facing an occupation that does not only target our land, but also countries located beyond our territory. Our defeat here today will be theirs tomorrow”

Opinion: the Four Players in the Syrian Arena

The clinching argument for the cynical pirouette is that a deal with Russia might give some of Assad’s opponents a share of power in Damascus

Only a Miracle Can Save Us

What is needed now in Syria is a semi-miracle to end corruption and fragmentation, whilst pushing for an internationally-backed political solution