

Snow Besieges Syrian Refugee Camps in Lebanon

Refugees living in the Lebanese region of Arsal have been hit by a lack of aid, food and fuel, and are also being battered by winter weather reports Alsouria Net.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Turkish plans to attack east of the Euphrates draws support and warnings, Russian and Syrian business grows closers and Syrians return to Hajin. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Iran: No Long-Term Presence in Syria

Iran is seeking to dispel rumours about tensions with Russia over its presence on Syrian soil, Al-Hal writes

Lebanon Angers Some by Returning Refugees to Syria

Lebanon’s efforts to send refugees back to Syria has angered other Arab states and Western countries, who want the country to adopt a policy of isolation reports Al-Modon.

700 Refugees Return to Syria

The refugees left Lebanon and returned to Syria, after being promised safe passage and immunity from prosecution by the regime reports Zaman Al Wasl.

Iranian-Gulf Relations and the Syrian Crisis

Iran’s relationship with Syria has pushed the country down a particular path, but it is still possible to change course writes Al-Arabiya.

Confusion Surrounds the Downing of a Russian Plane

Accusations have been made on all sides after a Russian plane was shot down by Assad’s forces, killing 15 Russian soldiers writes Asharq al-Awsat.

Kerry Claims Assad Sought Peace with Israel

The former Secretary of State has written that Assad was willing to enter into peace talks with the Israelis, if it meant the return of the Golan Heights reports Anadolu News Agency.

Raid on the Mezzeh Airbase

The recent attack on the Mezzeh military airbase reveals the interplay between nations and their influence in the region writes Al-Hayat.