

The Syrian Dilemma – Accused Even if Proven Innocent

After living through shelling, loss and displacement, the mere fact that they are Syrian has become a cause for suspicion wherever they go. With the spread of terrorist bombings across the world, it has become natural that the first to be accused in any attack is someone of Syrian nationality

Notes from a Palestinian Family in the Country of Resistance

“They took my three brothers right in front of us in a night raid. This was the toughest night ever. Two days later, two of my brothers were released while the third remained arrested, we haven’t heard anything about him since”

Opinion: What If Putin Succeeds in Syria?

As the Syrian regime embraces the “Russian protection”, it finally becomes ready to engage in arbitration and partnership without the fear of being forced to divide its power

Syrian Migrants Taste Hell on Journey Through Balkans

“We continued to Serbia where we were supposed to take a van to drive us to Belgrade. It was January and the last day of the snowstorm when we walked for 14 hours in snow,” survivor recalls

Opinion: Iran at a Fork in the Road on Syria

De Mistura believes that in the Geneva 3 meeting, Iranian backing, representation of the opposition by more than just the coalition, and a Russian-American understanding will eliminate the reasons for the failure of Geneva 2