

The Losers in the American Election

Naturally, Arab-Americans suffered their share of shock, a shock from which they may not wake up soon and will likely change the way that they interpret American society and the American reality.

Assad Says WWIII is In the Air

The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claimed in an interview to Russia’s Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper that the smell of WWIII is in the air. Following is the full text, as published by SANA, the official news agency.

Opinion: Opposition on Verge of Abandoning Political Process

This development represents a departure by the opposition because of the blatant shift in Russia’s role from a joint position in international oversight of the political process, alongside the US, to a direct party to the war, alongside the regime, against the Syrian people

Why Do the Kurds Insist on Being the Country’s Achilles’ Heel?

Until recently, Damascus saw the Kurds as an ally able to help pressure a wide geographical area that needed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and at the same time would constitute a thorn in the Turkish throat, which was greedy to swallow Syrian geography and people at the same time.

US Proposal to Russia Links Fighting Nusra Front and Ceasefire With Political Transition

According to a seven-page draft agreement, Moscow and Washington are considering high-level coordination beyond “carrying out air defense” in Syria’s skies, to reach a level of “direct cooperation” between the two armies and their intelligence agencies against Nusra Front and ISIS