

Foreign Forces Pull out of Deir ez-Zor Battle

Forces battling the last stronghold of the Islamic State in Syria have been dealt a heavy blow, which has resulted in many casualties reports Damas Post.

What Happened Over the Weekend

A summit in Istanbul, Syrian determination to retake Idleb, opposition refusal to change clocks and casualties in Idleb. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Trusting the Wolf

After a string of broken Russian promises, the Syrian opposition view anything that Russia says with a wary scepticism writes Geiroon.

Scenarios After Idleb

When the dust settles on the war in Syria, relations will have to be developed and compromises made writes Al-Watan.

Moscow’s Soft Power Spread in Syria

While the Russian military presence in Syria has long been assured, it is being joined by Russian attempts to spread language and culture writes Al-Jazeera

The Fate of Syria’s Druze

Syria’s Druze community have tried to remain neutral during the Syrian war, but local events could force their hand writes Asharq al-Awsat.