

What Happened Over the Weekend

A US court ruling against Syria, eleven dead after a building collapse, a humanitarian disaster brewing in eastern Syria and student protests in Idleb. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

The United States Has Lost Its Golden Opportunity in Syria

When Syrians took to the streets, demanding the end of the Assad regime, the United States had the opportunity to implement meaningful actions that would create real change, but this has been missed writes The Syrian Observer.

Syria Lashes out at France

In light of the issues facing France, Syria has criticised the French President for the comments he made about Syria writes SANA.

Kurdish Official: Damascus Must Put Words Into Action

Following talks between the Kurds and Russia, Kurdish leader Elham Ahmad now wants the dialogue to lead to a peaceful political solution writes Asharq al-Awsat.

Turkey’s Buffer Zone Faces Opposition

It is hoped that tripartite meetings between the concerned parties will be able to achieve an understanding for the proposed Turkish buffer zone in northern Syria reports Al-Sharq Al-Awsat.

SDC Delegation Returns From Paris Without Promises

While the French have stated that they will remain in Syria for the time being, they have been unable to give the SDC
any of the guarantees they had been hoping for writes Basnews.