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Thousands of Syrians in Turkey Return Home

Turkey hosts the largest number of Syrian refugees, and as the fighting subdues, some are choosing to return home reports Alsouria Net.

Syrian Women Become Breadwinners

In order to provide for themselves and their families, Syrian women have stepped up and taken jobs that were traditionally only for men writes Alsouria Net.

How Has Turkey Exploited the Saudi-funded Jaish al-Islam?

Jaish al-Islam, which is seeking a new role after its demise from eastern Ghouta, may contribute to Turkey’s potential onslaught on the Kurds east of the Euphrates, a pro-regime outlet is saying

A Life of Perpetual Sacrifice: a Doctor’s Tale

Opposition website Alsouria tells the story of Mahmoud, a doctor spared from the terror of ISIS after fleeing his hometown Al-Bab, only to have his loved ones ripped from him when regime jets targeted their new home in opposition-held Idleb