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What Happened Over the Weekend

Reconstruction of the Yarmouk Camp planned, another US convoy enters Syria, anti-government protests in Suwedia and anti-US sanctions protests in Lattakia. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.
What Happened Over the Weekend

1. Syria’s Local Administration and Environment Minister Hussein Makhlouf revealed that the Damascus Countryside Governorate will remove the rubble in al-Hajar al-Aswad neighborhood, southern Damascus, to secure the return of displaced residents, adding that work is underway for the return of the residents of Yarmouk Camp, reported SANA. Makhlouf added that a low cost and quick method for rehabilitating Yarmouk Camp has been chosen.

2. The US military sent a large convoy to northeastern Syria on Saturday amid reports of an increased buildup in Hassakeh Governorate. According to Al-Masdar, the US forces entered northeastern Syria via the illegal al-Waleed Crossing that links neighboring Iraq to the Hassakeh Governorate. The US convoy reportedly consisted of tens of vehicles that carried both logistical and military equipment.

 3.Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham members killed a civilian and injured two children while storming a house in the town of al-Azmo, west of the city of Aleppo, according to Smart News. Tahrir al-Sham is an Islamist opposition faction previously known as the al-Nusra Front, consisting of fighting groups including the Haqq Brigade, Jabhat Ansar al-Din, and Jaish al-Sunnah. On Friday, the brother of the victim said that at night, Tahrir al-Sham members stormed the house of his brother, Abdul Qader al-Shami, and targeted him with gunfire as he attempted to escape.

4. On Saturday, hundreds of people demonstrated in the Syrian government forces-controlled city of Suweida, southern Syria, demanding the overthrow the Syrian regime, Smart News reported. On social media accounts, activists posted videos showing hundreds of demonstrators in a square, crying out and demanding to overthrow the Syrian regime. The demonstrators also demanded release of Raed al-Khatib, who was detained recently for participating in demonstrations. The demonstrators cried out for freedom and the unity of the Syrian people, in addition to slogans, such as, “Freedom for detainees,” “In Suweida the Syrian regime is overthrown,” and, “Live long Syria and down with Bashar al-Assad.”

5. On Sunday, the Lattakia Bar Association organized a protest in front of the Justice Palace building to condemn the so-called “Caesar Act” and to reject the unjust coercive economic measures imposed on the Syrian people. Ayman Shabani, Chief of the Bar Association in Lattakia, told SANA that the protest was an expression of the unity of the Syrian people and their commitment to their leadership and their army in the face of all those who are trying to target their country.

6. SANA reported that Turkey increased its hostile actions of, “Turkification in the Syrian areas occupied by its forces in the countryside of Aleppo, Hassakeh, Raqqa, and Idleb.” Local sources in the countryside of Aleppo, Hassakeh, and Raqqa told SANA that after settling the family members of terrorists, in the homes of citizens who were displaced by force in order to make a demographic change, a “post establishment” affiliated to Turkish regime began establishing branches in the occupied areas in the countryside of Aleppo and Idleb.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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