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Violent Clashes Near Damascus

Rebels thwart Assad offensive
Violent Clashes Near Damascus

Violent clashes are ongoing between Syrian regime forces and Islamic battalions in the agricultural areas near Kurdi Hill near the city of Douma, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Wednesday.


Islamic Front spokesman, Captain Islam Alloush, said Islamic Army fighters thwarted a regime offensive near the Jobar neighborhood and that clashes were still ongoing on different fronts in the capital's suburbs.


For months, Bashar Assad’s forces, backed by the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah, have been battling to recapture Eastern Ghouta suburbs.


While the army remains in control of Damascus, rebels still hold a number of towns and villages on the outskirts, despite a suffocating blockade and frequent air strikes and shelling.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer



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