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Two Newborn Girls Found Abandoned in Damascus

Abandoned newborns are becoming a frequent sight in Damascus, according to Sawt al-Asima.
Two Newborn Girls Found Abandoned in Damascus
Two Newborn Girls Found Abandoned in Damascus

Residents in Damascus and its countryside have found two newborn girls thrown out in the open, in the past two days. This incident is yet another abandonment of children, which officials deny has increased and turned into a phenomenon. 

News pages and local websites circulated on Tuesday a picture of a 3-day-old baby girl, who was left behind the Douma municipal building in Eastern Ghouta, Damascus countryside. 

She was taken to the Hamdan Hospital in Douma for care until her relatives were identified. 

On Monday, residents in the Tabbala area of Damascus found an hours-old girl thrown on the sidewalk. 

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“The family of this girl was not identified, so she was transferred to the Lahn al-Hayat Center in the suburb of Qudsaya, to be cared for after she was first provided medical care and was then placed in the incubator for a while at al-Zahrawi Hospital in al-Qasaa,” a Damascus police source said, according to the local Athr Press Website. 

A child at the Umayyad Mosque

A few days ago, parents found a newborn girl, left by her mother in the sanctuary of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, before leaving the place. Last week a man left his three children at the entrance to a building in Baramkeh in Damascus, only to find that he had done it to detest his wife. who left home 20 days prior. 

Earlier last January, Hanadi al-Khaymi, director of the Lahn al-Hayat Complex for Childhood Care in the countryside of Damascus, revealed that the shelter receives three cases of abandoned children per month.

The reasons for leaving children vary, including if the child is from an illegal relationship, poverty, and the deteriorating economic situation, as well as family disputes, sources in Damascus governorate said.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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