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Turkmen Sheik Warns Against Kurdish Advance on Jarablus and Minbij

Reported displacement of Arabs and Turkmen in countryside of Hassakeh and Raqqa comes as part of a systematic plan to form a united Kurdish canton, religious authority says
Turkmen Sheik Warns Against Kurdish Advance on Jarablus and Minbij

Turkmen elder Sheikh Ahmed Ali Raslan warned Kurdish People Protection Units (YPG) of any attack targeting the areas of Minbij and Jarablus areas in Aleppo under the pretext of fighting ISIS.

"The Turkmen and Arabs living in the region would not allow the presence of Kurdish People Protection Units in their areas. If a certain ethnic faction enters the region to control it, it will hit all the local balances, and will affect the future of Syria negatively", Raslan said.

Raslan stressed that “Kurdish Units are displacing Arabs and Turkmen in the north and northeast of Syria", appealing to the international community to find a solution to the crisis of these displaced people, and to work to return them to their villages and homes.

”The displacement carried out by Kurdish Units in the countryside of Hassakeh and Raqqa comes as part of an organized, systematic and well-known plan aiming to connect Afrin (north-west of Aleppo) to Kobani, to form a united Kurdish canton. The Kurdish Units accuse the Arabs and Turkmen in these areas of collaboration with ISIS, and they use this excuse to justify the displacement", the sheik said.

Raslan called on "the Syrian armed opposition groups and Free Syrian Army factions to enter Jarablus and Minbij in order to maintain that stability".

"The Euphrates Volcano operations room, which claims to include Free Syrian Army factions, is only an interface used by the Kurdish Units to bring about a demographic change in this region", Raslan said.

The sheikh asked for an international commission of inquiry to enter Tal Abyad and its countryside to review claims of a displacement operation against Turkmen and Arabs, noting that the haphazard charges of cooperation with ISIS is a game that will not deceive anyone.

Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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