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Syrian-Turkish Meeting Expected in Baghdad

Al-Watan writes that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his readiness to meet with President Assad, recalling the "family" relations between the two nations
Syrian-Turkish Meeting Expected in Baghdad

The Turkish response to Damascus’ stance, coupled with the Russian and Iraqi initiatives and President Bashar al-Assad’s statements following his meeting with Russian envoy Alexander Lavrentiev last Wednesday, emphasized Syria’s openness to all initiatives concerning its relationship with Turkey based on the sovereignty of the Syrian state. This response from Ankara did not take long to materialize.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in his remarks after Friday prayers, expressed his readiness to meet with President Assad, recalling the “family” relations between the two nations. Erdogan stated that his country had never intended to interfere in Syria’s internal affairs and was prepared to develop relations with Syria, as it had in the past.

Syria Open to Initiatives on Relations with Turkey, Affirms President al-Assad

These successive Syrian-Turkish statements, emerging amidst changing political dynamics on the field, political, and regional levels, indicate upcoming and significant steps towards resuming dialogue between the Syrian and Turkish parties. According to sources contacted by Al-Watan, an important Syrian-Turkish meeting is planned to take place in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. This meeting is expected to be the beginning of a prolonged negotiation process that could lead to political and on-ground agreements.

The sources revealed that Turkey had requested Moscow and Baghdad to facilitate a bilateral dialogue table with Syria, excluding any third-party presence and away from media coverage, to discuss all the details necessary to restore relations between the two countries.

This step towards renegotiation and dialogue between Ankara and Damascus has garnered broad Arab support, especially from key regional players. The upcoming meeting in Baghdad is expected to be a significant development in this process.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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