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SDF Beats 20 Women Demanding the Release of Relatives

The SDF has arrested at least 200 tribesmen over the last four weeks writes Zaman Al Wasl
SDF Beats 20 Women Demanding the Release of Relatives

On Saturday, US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) freed 20 women who were arrested in Raqqa city after they protested the imprisonment of their husbands, a local reporter said.

The Kurdish-led forces, according to the leading civil group Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently, have beaten the women.

They rallied in front of Asayesh prison and local security units, to demand the release of their husbands and relatives after the death of a rebel fighter in the same prison.

 At least 200 tribesmen, mostly from Thuwar al-Raqqa, have been arrested by the SDF in the last four weeks.

Also in eastern Syria, Islamic State (ISIS) on Saturday took an oil-rich area from the SDF, a local news site said.

Furat (Euphrates) Post said ISIS fighters had seized control of the oil field of Saijan in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor after fierce clashes with the YPG-led Syrian Democratic forces.

The surprise gain by the militant group came after a series of defeats in eastern Syria.

The SDF has been the main partner of the US-led coalition against ISIS in Syria, helping drive the jihadists out of swathes of northern and eastern Syria last year.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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