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SDF Leader: We are Open to Dialogue with Syrian Regime

Abdi noted that the region's situation has fundamentally changed since the start of the Syrian revolution, Hawar agency notes.
SDF Leader: We are Open to Dialogue with Syrian Regime

Mazloum Abdi, commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which controls large areas of northeastern Syria, announced that he is open to dialogue with the Syrian regime. In an interview published by Hawar agency, which is close to the SDF, on Tuesday, Abdi emphasized his openness to dialogue with everyone, especially the Syrian regime, and expressed confidence in reaching a solution with Damascus. He also highlighted ongoing contact with the regime and urged it to reconsider its position.

Abdi noted that the region’s situation has fundamentally changed since the start of the Syrian revolution 12 years ago and asserted that returning to the pre-revolution status quo is impossible. He pointed out the numerous problems and differences between the Syrian regime and Turkey, which he believes make it difficult for them to reach any agreement. Abdi reiterated his willingness to engage in dialogue with Turkey, but only if the Syrian opposition factions withdraw from the areas he described as “occupied.”

Abdi warned of significant dangers facing the region, including economic blockades and external interventions, which he claims are aimed at crippling the resources of the Autonomous Administration to prevent it from serving the people. He acknowledged that part of the problem lies in their management style but also blamed the blockades and attacks for the suffering of the people, which forces them to emigrate.

Last Friday, Abdi called for dialogue with the Turkish side to achieve a political solution in Syria. In a video speech, he emphasized that the Syrian crisis cannot be resolved through violence, war, and fighting, and expressed his readiness for dialogue with all parties, including Turkey. He stressed that his forces support any dialogue that leads to halting the fighting and reaching a political solution to the war in Syria. This is not the first time the SDF has expressed its willingness to engage in dialogue with the Syrian regime, having called for such dialogue multiple times in recent years and expressed readiness to join the regime forces.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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