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SDF Kidnaps Official of the Kurdish National Council

On Sunday, members of the SDF kidnapped a Kurdish National Council cadre in the al-Darbasiyah area of the al-Hassakeh, according to the Zaitun Agency.
SDF Kidnaps Official of the Kurdish National Council
SDF Kidnaps Official of the Kurdish National Council

On Sunday, militias kidnapped a Kurdish National Council cadre in the al-Darbasiyah area of the al-Hassakeh countryside and took him to an unknown destination. The council said in a statement that the PYD gunmen (part of the SDF, editor’s note), on Sunday afternoon,  kidnapped Abdul Rahim Tammah, a member of the Public Relations Office of the Kurdish Future Movement and a member of the Serê Kaniyeh Locality (Ras al-Ain). 

He pointed out that the incident took place in the village of Tal Ghazal between Tal Baydar and Darbasiyah. He added that his family, consisting of the wife, a young boy, and his disabled brother, were left on Seker Road under the cold, while he was taken to an unknown destination. 

“We, in the Kurdish Future Movement in Syria, hold PYD fully responsible for his safety and demand his immediate release along with all political prisoners,” he added. 

Read Also: SDF Leader Killed in Ambush, North of Raqqa

The statement called on PYD to stop “these practices, which are a continuation of the systematic hostile policy pursued by this party against the leaders and supporters of the Kurdish National Council.”   

Arrests in Raqqa 

In other news, militias arrested dozens of young men in northern Syria’s Raqqa governorate, on Sunday, and transferred them to an unknown destination. 

The militias raided the city of Tabqa and several nearby villages. They arrested 46 people of different age groups, said a reporter for Zaitun media agency. 

Our correspondent pointed out that the militias accused the young men of forming a military force aimed at fighting the SDF, under the name of the “Euphrates Commandos”. 

Turkish drones target the headquarters of senior leaders of SDF

On Sunday evening, Turkish drones launched airstrikes on the headquarters of the SDF militia leaders in the eastern city of Ain al-Arab, in the Aleppo countryside. 

An anonymous source told Zaitun media agency that the Turkish drones targeted the headquarters located near the Hal market, in the center of Ain al-Arab city. He pointed out that this site is intended for militia leaders. 

The source confirmed that the shelling killed two members of the SDF militia, in addition to a number of wounded people. This comes amid reports of the presence of leading figures from Mount Qandil during the targeting. 

On Saturday afternoon, Turkish drones launched airstrikes on SDF militia positions in the eastern Aleppo countryside of Ain al-Arab.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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