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Regime Breaches Idleb Truce as Warplanes Target City Marketplace

Assad regime breaks “Zabadani-Kefraya-Fua” truce after carrying out massacre in Idleb city, killing three and wounding a dozen more
Regime Breaches Idleb Truce as Warplanes Target City Marketplace

Three civilians were killed and 12 others wounded on Sunday afternoon by an air raid carried out by regime warplanes on the city of Idleb in northern Syria in a new breach of the “Zabadani-Kefraya-Fua” truce.

Gheith al-Seid, a media activist from the Idleb countryside, told Al-Souria Net that the air raid struck the popular al-Hal market on the outskirts of the city, killing two people from the town of Binish and another from Idleb city, and wounding a dozen others, some critically.

Idleb city is one of the areas included in the Zabadani-Kefraya-Fua truce between the opposition Jaish al-Fatah (Army of Conquest) and the Iranian regime representing loyalist militias in the towns of Kefraya and Fua.

One of the truce’s items provides for the halt of opposition and regime military operations in the towns of “Madaya, Baqin, Wadi Bardi, and Serghaya” in the Damascus countryside and, in the Idleb countryside, “Fua, Kefraya, Binish, Taftanaz, Taoum, Maarat Masrein, Idleb city, Ram Hamdan, Zardana, and Shalekh,” in addition to allowing foodstuffs to enter and the wounded to leave.

Assad’s warplanes also carried out major raids on the northern Homs countryside for the fourth day in a row. On Sunday morning it carried out intensified air raids on various areas, causing a number of casualties, mostly women and children, while hitting the area with more than 12 air strikes on the towns of Houla, Rastan, and Teldou, wounding a number of people and causing widespread damage to residential buildings.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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