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President Assad Unanimously Re-elected Secretary-General of the Arab Socialist Baath Party

Assad emphasized "the crucial role of the Baath Party", especially in Syria, according to al-Watan.
President Assad Unanimously Re-elected Secretary-General of the Arab Socialist Baath Party

President Bashar al-Assad was unanimously re-elected as Secretary-General of the Arab Socialist Baath Party during an expanded meeting of the Central Committee. In his speech, he emphasized the significance of the elections and their results in advancing the party’s development. He highlighted the importance of ideological parties in confronting global ideological wars and reaffirmed the Baath Party’s commitment to standing alongside the toilers since its inception. 

Assad also emphasized the crucial role of the Baath Party, especially in Syria, amidst contemporary ideological conflicts. Regarding the political situation, he underscored the renewed focus on the Palestinian issue and reiterated Syria’s unwavering stance in support of Palestine. 

President Assad Prepares for Key Baath Party Meeting with Central Leadership

Assad emphasized that Syria will not concede on the Palestinian issue and will continue to support resistance against the Zionist entity. He emphasized the importance of resistance in defending the homeland and criticized submission as leading to destruction and disappearance. Additionally, he emphasized the significance of the recent elections in shaping the party’s future, highlighting both positives and negatives as lessons for the next stage of development. Assad described the recent elections as a potential turning point in the party’s history.

Advancing institutionalization

President Assad emphasized the importance of elections as an institutional act and highlighted the need for further steps towards institutionalizing the Baath Party. He stressed the necessity of in-depth dialogue at all party levels to discuss concepts such as the party’s relationship with power. 

Assad clarified that this relationship extends beyond Article Eight and involves the formulation and implementation of policies. He emphasized the importance of clarifying the roles of the party and the government to avoid burdening the party with responsibilities beyond its scope. Additionally, he emphasized the need to reexamine the organizational structure of the party at all levels, including central leadership, branches, and divisions. 

Assad proposed evaluating the functionality of party offices and sectors in light of societal and technological changes, as well as reconsidering the number of full-time members to ensure efficiency without compromising inclusivity and diversity of decision-making. He encouraged open discussion and exploration of ideas to foster institutional development.

President Assad addressed the role and functioning of the Central Committee within the Baath Party, highlighting its importance as the heart of the party. He emphasized the need to review the internal systems governing the Central Committee, including its relationship with the central leadership and its role in policy-making. 

Assad questioned the effectiveness of the current mechanism for accountability and suggested ways to enhance the committee’s ability to fulfill its duties, such as updating data and ensuring regular communication with the central leadership. He also emphasized the significance of conferences at branch and division levels, urging for their transformation into forums for dialogue, decision-making, and accountability. Furthermore, he raised questions about the mechanisms for accountability and confidence withdrawal, suggesting the need for clearer criteria and mechanisms for conducting elections. 

Assad also discussed the selection process for representatives to the People’s Assembly and local administration, proposing ways to ensure representation and consensus among non-partisan segments. These points were presented as topics for discussion and potential areas for institutional development within the party.

Socialism is still alive

President Assad highlighted the centrality of the living situation and socialism in Syria’s political discourse, defining socialism as social justice rather than complete ownership. He acknowledged that Syria has not historically adhered strictly to socialist principles but has undergone various ideological shifts, from extremism to openness. 

He emphasized the need to determine a model of socialism that aligns with achieving social justice, confronting current challenges, and promoting progress in specific areas, particularly the economy. 

Assad posed questions about the Baath Party’s economic approach, emphasizing the importance of balancing ideology with economic principles. He discussed the concept of a social market economy, clarifying that it does not replace socialism but rather integrates competition and development within a socialist framework. 

He pointed to the Chinese model as an example of a socialist country embracing aspects of a market economy. Assad underscored the need to find a balance between economic and social aspects to maintain Syria’s socialist approach while fostering economic growth and development.

President Assad reiterated the Baath Party’s commitment to standing on the side of the poor and toiling people, emphasizing that the party’s approach prioritizes social justice. He discussed the importance of addressing the needs of the poor from both economic and social perspectives, highlighting the significance of creating job opportunities and supporting purchasing power. 

Assad raised questions about the prioritization between the exchange rate and production and emphasized the importance of balanced policies to avoid paralysis at all levels of governance. He also emphasized the role of the public sector in Syria’s history and its diverse functions, including both administrative and economic roles. 

Assad posed questions about the objectives of the public sector, such as employment, price support, and profitability, and discussed the challenges of achieving these objectives simultaneously. He emphasized the need for clear policies to guide the public sector’s role in employment while maintaining quality and balancing social and economic objectives. These considerations were presented as crucial elements for the party to address in its approach to economic and social policies.

Public sector

President Assad delved into the multifaceted nature of the public sector, highlighting its various roles, including administrative and economic functions. He posed critical questions about the objectives of the public sector, such as whether it should prioritize employment, price support, or profitability. Assad questioned the feasibility of achieving all three objectives simultaneously, especially profitability given the social responsibilities of the public sector. He discussed the challenges of maintaining profitability while fulfilling social obligations, particularly in institutions tasked with providing support. 

Assad also raised concerns about the allocation of resources and the effectiveness of employment practices within the public sector, emphasizing the need for quality employment practices to ensure the state’s development. He underscored the importance of balancing social and qualitative aspects of employment while outlining the party’s role in defining policies to guide the public sector’s operations. 

These points were presented as essential considerations for the Baath Party in its approach to managing the public sector and addressing socio-economic challenges.

Palestine in the heart

President Assad emphasized Syria’s unwavering stance in support of Palestine, highlighting the hypocrisy of Western countries and Arab nations in their response to the war on Gaza. He criticized those who champion Western values while ignoring Western support for Israel and suppression of dissent. Despite facing criticism and challenges, Syria remains steadfast in its support for Palestine, viewing the Palestinian struggle as a matter of national pride, dignity, and resistance against oppression.

Assad drew parallels between the Palestinian and Syrian struggles, acknowledging the hardships faced by both but commending their resilience and determination. He praised the Palestinian and Yemeni people for their perseverance despite difficult circumstances, emphasizing the importance of ideology and steadfastness in the face of adversity.

The Syrian president reaffirmed Syria’s commitment to supporting Palestine and resisting the Zionist entity, rejecting any compromise on Palestinian rights. He criticized Western bias towards Israel and Arab inaction on the Palestinian issue, emphasizing the need for steadfastness and resistance against oppression.

Assad concluded by asserting that Syria will continue to support the Palestinian cause without hesitation, reaffirming its commitment to resistance against injustice and oppression. He warned against submission to external pressures, emphasizing the importance of sovereignty and resistance in safeguarding national interests and existence.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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