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New Report Reveals Regime Use of Napalm

Following the use of chemical weapons on civilians, the Assad regime turns to napalm

New Report Reveals Regime Use of Napalm

After the Syrian regime was forced remove its chemical arsenal – following the proven use of internationally prohibited weapons – the regime continued to use other materials, no less dangerous or deadly.


The Syria Mubasher network has documented evidence of the Assad regime’s use of napalm against civilians in a new report.


The report also reveals the locations the regime uses for the manufacture and storage of this material.


Napalm, which is renowned for sticking to the skin, is a gelatinous liquid considered to be one of the most incendiary materials known. Developed by a group of American chemists in World War II, its use in war has been clearly documented – specifically by the US during the Vietnamese War.


There is no doubt that the Syrian regime has mastered the use of sophisticated fatal materials; sarin gas, white phosphorus, chlorine gas, and finally napalm.


Syrian activists have collected evidence documenting the use of incendiary napalm barrels in Homs, Daraa, and Aleppo. According to the report issued by Syria Mubasher, the regime fabricates this material and other chemicals in Khan Abu ash-Shamat in Dumair (the countryside of Damascus) and in Furuqlus (the countryside of Homs).


Napalm is included in the United Nations conventions of outlawed and inhumane weapons. In 1980, an agreement was drafted stating the "prohibition of strikes on civilian targets, especially with incendiary ammunition which combines the effects of heat and chemical interaction".

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