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National Coalition Expresses Thanks to Donor Countries for Providing Support to Syrians in Syria and Countries of Asylum

The National Coalition underscores that the fundamental resolution to the humanitarian catastrophes precipitated by the Assad regime lies in the effective implementation of sustainable political solutions.
National Coalition Expresses Thanks to Donor Countries for Providing Support to Syrians in Syria and Countries of Asylum

The Syrian National Coalition extends heartfelt gratitude to the donor countries for their commitment to continue supporting Syrians both within Syria and in neighbouring countries, thereby alleviating a portion of the humanitarian crises they face. This acknowledgment comes following the eighth Brussels Conference held on May 27, 2024.

Simultaneously, the coalition emphasizes the imperative of distributing aid equitably across Syrian territories. Recognizing well-documented studies revealing systemic corruption in aid management within areas controlled by the Assad regime, there’s a pressing need to establish mechanisms preventing aid diversion to militias aligned with the regime, complicit in the persecution of Syrians.

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Furthermore, there’s a sincere hope that these crucial aids reach those most in need. It’s essential that donor nations honor their commitments, especially given the noticeable decrease in promised assistance compared to previous years. This shortfall falls far short of meeting the genuine scale of humanitarian requirements, with past pledge fulfillment rates notably low.

This decline has intensified the suffering, particularly in food, health, and education sectors, particularly in northwest Syria. The closure of numerous health facilities and hospitals, previously providing vital care to millions living below the poverty line, further exacerbates the situation.

The National Coalition underscores that the fundamental resolution to the humanitarian catastrophes precipitated by the Assad regime lies in the effective implementation of sustainable political solutions outlined in Security Council resolutions, particularly resolutions 2254 and 2118.

It emphasizes that the underlying causes of the Syrian humanitarian crisis are politically rooted, and instability in Syria and the wider region will persist until the Syrian political situation is conclusively and fairly addressed.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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