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Information Ministry: Media Outlets Spread Lies to Undermine Morale

Ministry claims malicious mass-media outlets are publicising false and misleading content inside Syria in order to demoralise Syria's civilians and soldiers
Information Ministry: Media Outlets Spread Lies to Undermine Morale

Syria’s Information Ministry stated on Tuesday that some malicious media outlets, including satellite channels, newspapers, magazines, and websites, along with Facebook and Twitter accounts, are leading a propaganda campaign to coincide with clashes taking place with terrorists in the provinces of Idleb, Hassakeh, and Daraa.

The ministry claimed outlets were disseminating lies and rumors regarding the country’s security, military, economic, and political situation in a bid to demoralise Syrian civilians and soldiers, with some outlets digitally altering images to give credibility to the rumors, particularly after terrorists carried out indiscriminate massacres in the city of Jisr al-Shughour.

The ministry concluded by saying the Syrian people’s awareness of the media war will thwart its success.

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