
Heavy Snow Falls Over Damascus and Other Provinces

Severe weather seen across Syria with further drop in temperature expected
Heavy Snow Falls Over Damascus and Other Provinces

Snow and rains fell over most Syrian provinces as the country is being affected by a polar low pressure accompanied by a very cold air mass.


According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the thickness of snow at 7 a.m. reached 15 cm in Damascus, 35 cm in Damascus Countryside, 25 cm in Quneitra, 5 cm in Lattakia and 2 cm in Suweida.


The Meteorology Department expected rains and snow to continue falling over most areas and the rains to be accompanied by thunder sometimes, warning of torrents in the valleys and slopes.


The temperature is expected to drop to lower than average by 7 degrees Celsius, with southwestern winds at 70-km speed per hour. Coastal waves are expected to reach from medium to high.

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