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FSA Counter Regime Attack in Damascus Countryside

Rebels thwart regime offensive in the western countryside of the Syrian capital, leaving dozens dead and wounded
FSA Counter Regime Attack in Damascus Countryside

Fighting erupted on Tuesday between rebels and the Syrian regime army backed by National Defense militias in the western countryside of Damascus, killing and wounding dozens, according to rebel media.

Western Ghouta’s Unified Media Center reported Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions launched a counter-offensive on Syrian army checkpoints near the town of Deir Khabiya. Activists said a huge fire tore through neighboring farms following a series of Syrian regime air raids, damaging hectares of fruit trees.

The First Army (Jaish al-Aw-Wal) released a statement claiming its fighters thwarted the regime's attack on the village of Masehara in Quneitra countryside, near the occupied Golan Heights. The First Army also targeted Tal Bazzaq and Manat al-Faras hills with mortar rounds, the FSA unit said.

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